Homestead project


Tunbridge Wells

New Build 12 houses & 7 Housing Association apartments

Contract Value: £3.1m

Undertaking a project for a private client, we constructed 12 traditionally built brick and block houses with modest specifications, alongside 7 apartments developed by Town & Country. The site, located in a former Tarmacer’s yard, presented challenges as it was on contaminated land. Along with remediation works, the site was also situated on a steep gradient. We installed a large 3m high retaining wall surrounding the site to meet building control requirements. Further to this, access was restricted due to a single-track carriageway, necessitating escorts for big deliveries and careful scheduling of site traffic. The townhouse style featured a semi-basement in the front, while the back garden was level with the basement floor, effectively addressing the sloping gradient of the site, and providing extra usable space for future residents.

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Homestead project

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